NHN テコラス、AWSと中長期の戦略的協業契約を締結
NHN テコラス株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:白倉 章照、以下、NHN テコラス)は、アマゾン ウェブ サービス (AWS)※1 と事業拡大を目的とした戦略的協業契約を締結しました。
NHN テコラスは、今回の戦略的協業において日本全国の中堅IT事業者との協業拡大を主軸とした3つの施策を推進することで、ライセンス販売、技術コンサルティング、各種技術支援サービスで構成するAWS総合支援サービス「C-Chorus(シーコーラス)」の売上を今後3年間で約500億円まで拡大する計画です。
国内企業のクラウド活用は堅調に進み、クラウド市場は2023年には2.5兆円規模まで成長し、それを支援するSI(システムインテグレーション)市場も5兆円規模に拡大する見通しです。(※2) また生成AIなどの新たな技術の登場で、クラウド化のスピードはより一層早まると考えられます。一方で、クラウド活用における課題も依然として存在し、企業内でのクラウド人材の不足などにより、クラウド活用がスタートできていない企業や、限定的な利用にとどまっている企業も多い状況です。
このような課題に対しNHN テコラスでは、顧客企業内での人材育成支援や、内製化支援を積極的に展開する自社のソリューションサービスの拡充に取り組んでいます。またNHN テコラスは、AWSプレミアティア サービスパートナーとして、これまでのデータセンター事業で培った経験や知見を全国の中堅IT事業者と共有し協業拡大をはかることで全国規模でのクラウド活用の促進に繋げていくことを計画しています。
この取り組みはユーザー企業のみならず、NHN テコラス自身の成功体験を共有する形で、全国に数百社存在する中堅のデータセンター事業、レンタルサーバー事業を展開する企業とのクラウドビジネスへのビジネストランスフォーメーションの支援も含めて大きな枠組みで推進してまいります。
2.中堅ISV企業のSaaS化、AWS Marketplaceを活用した販売チャネル拡大支援
全国の中堅ISV企業(独立系ソフトウェアベンダ)に対してAWSを活用したSaaSビジネスの技術支援とAWS Marketplaceを通じたプロダクトの全国、グローバルでの販売によるビジネス拡大の支援を推進します。
NHN テコラス自身が自社およびNHNグループが保有するソフトウェア製品をAWS上に移行し、AWS Marketplaceを活用して販売チャネルの拡大に成功しており、その知見を活かして、全国の中堅ISV企業のSaaSビジネスや販売チャネルの拡大などのビジネストランスフォーメーションを支援してまいります。
1と2の取り組みを全国の中堅SI企業、IT事業者との協業を通してより大きなスケールと速度で促進していきます。 2024年1月現在、170社を超えるSI企業を中心としたIT事業者とのパートナーシップ契約を締結し、既に多くの企業のAWS活用の技術支援を推進していますが、この取り組みを2026年までに全都道府県1,000社まで拡大していくことを目標としています。
NHN テコラス、AWS両社のコメント
「AWSはこのたびのNHN テコラスとの戦略的協業の発表を歓迎します。
アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
執行役員 パートナーアライアンス統括本部 統括本部長 渡邉 宗行
「NHN テコラスは、旧ライブドアのデータセンター・ITインフラ技術部門としてスタートし、2016年に本格的にAWSビジネスを開始しました。物理環境で培った経験を活かし、多くの企業様のクラウドの活用を通じたビジネス成長・変革を目的とするAWSジャーニーの成功を支援してきました。その結果、早い段階にてAWSビジネスが祖業であるデータセンタービジネスの売上を上回り、現在も大きく成長を続けています。本協業において、当社自身のAWS事業へのビジネストランスフォーメーションの経験を日本全国のIT事業者の皆さんと共有し、より大規模に進化させていくことで、当社だけでなく、国内の中堅IT事業全体のAWSを活用した事業活性化を促進し、多くの企業様のビジネス成長と変革を技術面からサポートしていきます。」
NHN テコラス株式会社
代表取締役 白倉 章照
NHN テコラス株式会社について
会社名:NHN テコラス株式会社
所在地:東京都港区西新橋三丁目1番8号 NHNアトリエ
代表者:代表取締役社長 白倉 章照
設立 :2007年4月
URL :https://nhn-techorus.com/
※1 Amazon Web Services : 本社 米国ワシントン州シアトル、CEO Adam N. Selipsky。 本戦略的協業契約はアマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社(本社 東京都品川区、代表執行役員社長 長崎 忠雄)と締結。
※2 富士キメラ総研「2023 クラウドコンピューティングの現状と将来展望」の調査結果
NHN Techorus Signs Multi-Year Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to Drive 50 Billion Yen
AWS will support NHN Techorus to expand its business growth and medium-sized IT businesses in Japan to adopt AWS technologies including Generative AI
NHN Techorus Corp. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Akiteru Shirakura; below, “NHN Techorus”), a leading IT infrastructure solutions provider in Japan, has signed a multi-year Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS)*1, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud. NHN Techorus, an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, will leverage the SCA to grow its business in Japan, and aims to generate 50 billion yen in revenue by 2026.
The Japanese cloud industry is expected to grow to around 2.5 trillion yen by 2023, while demand for system integration services, which supports the uptake of cloud, is expected to grow to about 5 trillion yen.*2 The emergence of new technologies such as generative AI is expected to further accelerate Japan’s adoption of cloud computing. However, there are still some opportunities to accelerate the use of cloud with many companies in Japan yet to start their cloud journey or are lacking the necessary skills required to support cloud implementation.
To support Japan’s digital economy and accelerate cloud adoption, NHN Techorus is developing its solutions that actively support employee digital skilling and in-house development of cloud-native solutions for their customers. NHN Techorus plans to leverage “C-Chorus”, a comprehensive AWS support service consisting of license sales, technical consulting, and various technical support services, by undertaking three measures centered on expanding collaboration with medium-sized IT businesses in Japan. NHN Techorus will share its experience and knowledge gained through its data center business with medium-sized IT businesses throughout Japan to expand collaboration and promote the use of cloud computing on a nationwide scale.
Key Measures in the AWS Strategic Collaboration Agreement
1. Supporting medium-sized hosting companies transition to AWS
NHN Techorus, an AWS premier tier services partner, supports customers migrating to AWS by combining advanced knowledge about AWS. NHN Techorus will also support customers fully utilizing its migration competency certification as well as its data center business operation experiences.
This initiative will be implemented as part of NHN Techorus’s broader organizational strategy to help customers migrate to AWS, including providing support for transformations to cloud business in conjunction with hundreds of companies operating medium-sized data center and rental server businesses nationwide.
2. Support medium-sized ISVs in shifting to SaaS and expand sales channels using AWS Marketplace
NHN Techorus will offer technical assistance for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business built on AWS to medium-sized independent software vendors (ISVs) across Japan and provide business expansion support through nationwide and global sales of products via the AWS Marketplace, a curated digital catalog that customers can use to find, buy, deploy, and manage third-party software, data, and services to build solutions and run their businesses.
NHN Techorus has successfully migrated its own and NHN Group’s software products onto AWS and expanded its sales channels by using AWS Marketplace, and it will use this knowledge to support business transformation, including SaaS business and sales channel expansion, for medium-sized ISVs nationwide.
3. Promote nationwide adoption of AWS through collaborations with medium-sized IT businesses
Initiatives 1 and 2 will be implemented on a larger scale and at a faster pace through collaboration with medium-sized system integrators (SI) and IT businesses across the country. As of January 2024, NHN Techorus has concluded collaboration agreements with more than 170 IT businesses, mainly SIs, and is already providing technical support for AWS implementation to many companies, with the goal of expanding this initiative to 1,000 companies in all prefectures by 2026.
Comments from NHN Techorus and AWS
“AWS is delighted to collaborate with NHN Techorus to support the growth of local businesses including ISVs and medium-sized businesses. To accelerate digital transformation, customers throughout Japan need support from system integrators for deployment and strengthening in-house digital capabilities and development. This collaboration reinforces AWS’s commitment to supporting NHN Techorus’ vision to support customers nationwide to continue to innovate through the use of cloud-enabled technologies including generative AI..”
Muneyuki Watanabe, Director, Head of Partner Alliance, Amazon Web Services Japan G.K.
“NHN Techorus started as the data center and IT infrastructure technology division of the former Livedoor and launched its AWS business in earnest in 2016. Drawing on the experience we have built up in physical environments, we have helped many companies succeed in their AWS journeys to grow and transform their business through the use of the cloud. As a result, sales in the AWS business surpassed sales for its predecessor, the data center business, at an early stage, and it continues to experience significant sales growth today. Through this collaboration, we will share our own experience of business transformation to AWS business with IT businesses across Japan, and by evolving it to a larger scale, we will help use AWS to invigorate not only our own business but also that of medium-sized IT businesses in Japan as a whole, supporting the business growth and transformation of many companies.”
Akiteru Shirakura, President and CEO, NHN Techorus Corp.
About NHN Techorus Corp.
Possessing high levels of expertise and an extensive track record in both data centers and cloud computing, NHN Techorus provides the AWS comprehensive support service “C-Chorus” with the principle of “keeping what makes AWS great while adding value by reducing costs and improving convenience,” offering a range of high value-added support options and services designed for economic rationality. As of January 2024, it has secured a cumulative total of over 4,200 contracts.
As a premier AWS partner, it provides customers of all sizes with billing services, managed services that involve a wide range of support for migration, implementation, design, operational management, and security measures, and also machine learning and data application support services.
C-Chorus details: https://nhn-techorus.com/c-chorus/
AWS billing service: https://nhn-techorus.com/c-chorus/payment/
Location: NHN Atelier, 3-1-8 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Akiteru Shirakura, President and CEO
Established: April 2007
URL: https://nhn-techorus.com/
*All company and product names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
*The information contained herein is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to subsequent change without prior notice.
*1 Amazon Web Services (Head office: Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.; CEO: Adam N. Selipsky). This strategic collaboration agreement was concluded with Amazon Web Services Japan G.K. (Head office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President and Managing Director: Tadao Nagasaki).
*2 Fuji Chimera Research Institute, “2023 Cloud Computing: Current Status and Future Prospects” survey results